Discover the remarkable health benifits of Wood apple

Health Desk: Wood apple which is also known as Beal fruit in the Indian subcontinent can have some incredible effects on your health.

Commonly known as Aegle marmelos as its scientific name, wood apple can be of great therapeutic value for innumerable ailments. Being a rich sourse of vitamins, protein, and calcium. Among others, it is a useful solution for gastronomical problems like indigestion, liver problems, stomach ulcers, and more. Besides, it can be medicinal formula for treating diarrhoea and cholera.

Wood plant can also be a natural source of energy booster. The presence of Vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, and others can be useful in bolstering our immune system and help us stay active and energetic.

One of the common health disorder troubling people today is diabetes. Although it has a sweet taste, the frequent consumption of wood plant can be beneficial in keeping blood sugar under control.

Moreover, wood fruit is a natural antioxidant. Good sourse of antioxidant in the body can minimize the threat of toxic diseases like cancers and heart ailments.

In addition to just health benefits, wood fruit can be a great appetizer and consumed either as solid or as fruit juice with mixing milk in it. Although the fruit is not very popular outside the southeast Asia, where it is not just considered as a salutary fruit, but its tree is also regarded as sacred and religious within the Hindu community. 

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