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Ukraine Crisis: Russia Symbolizing Inhumanity

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Dayananda Pathak (Editor-in-chief)

Editorial Desk, 24 March, 2022: Russia, the land of Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekov, has lost its humanism as reflected in its inhuman attack on Ukraine for a simple issue of latter`s support to the NATO factor. This was certainly not an issue for military invasion against Ukraine, a sovereign country with its own political issues and foreign policies.

How can Russia expect that all its neighbour countries ought to sustain anti-NATO stand in international politics? For that simple reason Russia has attacked Ukraine from all corners to show off its military muscles discarding all humane issues. Russia has destroyed many hospitals, maternity homes, and killed many Childs and new born babies.

The military invasion ought to have been exclusively against the military counterpart from Ukraine. Instead of honouring the human rights and dignities of the civilians, the Russian forces have bombarded over every civilian establishments and civil colonies of Ukraine. As a result, millions of Civil Ukrainians had to move out of their own motherland.

Of late, they are spending their lives like Refugees in the other European countries. Many children have become parentless. Some children are seen to walk the roads alone with dolls in their hands. They do not know, will they ever get united with their parents. Many residential buildings are turned to smithereens, making their civilian residents run halter-skelter to preserve their souls within the feeble and hungry bodies.

Putin must have forgotten the novel of Tolstoy – ‘War and Peace’. Putin might have skipped the immortal story of Tolstoy – ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need’. Many historical and academic institutions are felled. Should we call it civilization? Should we call it Russian humanism? The pride of Vladimir Putin has touched its height. Now he will have no other alternative but to come down, and learn the tenets of humanism. But it will be too late, and he will have to pay a heavy price for being late.

Also Read: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Impact On Economy

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