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Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Payment for Egocentricity

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Dayananda Pathak

Editorial Desk, 08 March, 2022: Russia has not budged an inch from its retributive action against Ukraine.  Ukraine has committed to retain its own stand at any cost despite all the reasons for Russia`s displeasure. One point is clear; Ukraine is in its own place, non-submissive to Russian pressure. It wants Ukraine to plod over the roadmap drawn by Russia. It is against NATO, but Ukraine is for NATO. That is the crux of the problem between the two countries. Ukraine has not occupied a single inch of Russian territory. It is a sovereign country, owing the same political and cultural heritage. Interestingly, Russia is yet to recover from its earlier history of USSR. It is now a truncated country. The moot point is, Russia wants Ukraine to remain miles away from NATO. But Ukraine does not like to sever its membership from NATO. The net result will be disastrous for both the countries. Meanwhile, world communities have expressed their concern for Ukraine, denouncing the undesirable militancy of Russia. Countries like India, Pakistan, China and a few countries have preferred to keep sitting on the fence. India will now advocate its nonalignment policy, chalked out during the time of Jawaharlal Nehru. Now the policy of nonalignment might tell upon its international status. The President of USA in its narrative of Russian invasion over Ukraine has betrayed a sense of doubt over India`s commitment to peace by remaining voiceless. Ukraine has been left alone by the NATO powers, while Russia is sure to bear a colossal cost for waging an undesirable war only to express its superiority complex. Russia has not learned any lesson from history. Putin`s ego will hit him back. Sensible Russians are for peace. Some of them are shouting anti-Putin slogans. The world community has expressed its total displeasure on Russian militarism. The global fraternity is for peace and humanism and global fraternity. Political ideologies are simply local matters, dependent on a country`s individual identity.

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