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Liverpool fans sing “You will never walk alone” in support of Ukraine, as football stands together against war

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Image Credit: Dhrubananda Pathak, Liverpool

Sports Desk: On Monday, the fans of Liverpool and Chelsea FC expressed their support to the people of war ridden Ukraine by singing Liverpool’s anthem song ‘You will never walk alone’ during a football match.

This happened before the start of the final match of Carabao Cup that took place in the Wembly Stadium in London, where Liverpool defeated Chelsea in a penalty shootout.

During this, the national flag of Ukraine was also displayed on the screen inside the stadium, along with the message that said “Football Stands Together”.

Alternatively, before the kick-off, the captains of both the teams placed wreaths in blue and yellow colours during the pre-kick-off group photograph to show their unity against war on Ukraine.

Further, the Wembley stadium was also seen adorned with the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Besides, the fans of both the clubs demonstrated their solidarity and support against Russia’s actions to invade the eastern European nation by carrying Ukrainian flags and placards with multiple anti-war and peace messages that condemned Russia’s actions.

The football pitch has been quite vocal in showing their solidarity to Ukraine. Earlier, the players of Premier League teams like Manchester City and Everton were seen running and rallying behind their Ukrainian teammates. While the players of Everton held the Ukrainian flag, the stars of Manchester City donned shirts with the Ukrainian flag, along with the message “No War”.

The touching scenes during both the matches has been appreciated by football fans across the world.

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