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Where is the Internationality of an International Airport?

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Image Credit: Newsop 24 staff
Dayananda Pathak (Editor-in-Chief)

Editor’s Desk: Yes, it is about the Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati. Recently, a passenger, who is a young lady from the city had an Air India international air ticket from Guwahati to De Gaulle Paris via Delhi on 23rd February. Her luggage was booked only for Delhi, and not for Paris. The passenger was kept stranded for a long time, and she was told to receive her baggage from Delhi Airport and get the same rebooked at Delhi Airport. But her ticket was from the Air India, both from Guwahati and New Delhi. The passenger was at a loss. She had to find the luggage rules from the network, and show them to the counter for her boarding pass. Only after that they could learn the precise rules for luggage matter.

The situation demands proper orientation to the Air India employees. Lest, the internationality of Gopinath Bordoloi Airport will be simply facial, devoid of anything international.

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