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Justice delivery system needs serious overhaul as undertrials overpopulate the jails

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Editor’s Desk: Our justice delivery system must have bogged down over the years. This is reflected by the overpopulation of the jail premises by the offenders as undertrials.

This number of late has risen to 75% of the jail inmates. In our central jail space and provisions are only for 1000 so-called offenders, but in the central jail of Guwahati 1800 inmates are being housed.

The court waits for the charge sheets from the police, while the police spend time on new criminal activities is rising like a pandemic. The net result is disastrous.

Have we ever taken a serious step for the quick delivery of justice system? It is also quite heartening to note that only about 6% undertrials get conviction orders. Then where do we stand today?

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