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Russian moon mission shatters with crash landing

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Sci-Tech Desk: The latest Russian moon mission has ended up with disappointment. Its Luna-25 crashed ontp the lunar surface of the moon on Sunday, 20 August 2023.

The precise reason of the failure is unclear, however, according to the world media and Russia’s space agency Roscosmos, it is believed that the spacecraft crash landed on the moon’s surface and ceased its existence.

It has also been informed that the space agency lost its contact with the vehicle on Sunday and failed to establish a reconnection later.

It is also known that the Luna-25 might have deviated form its planned orbit as a result of the collusion with the moon’s surface.

The core purpose of the mission was to have a soft landing on the south pole of the moon where it could explore the possible presence of ice water and other data.

It is regarded as a huge setback for the nation, that become one of the initial countries to explore the moon and compete with countries like United States and China. However, Russia is set to continue to pursue its astronomical ambitions with further lunar mission planned in the coming years.

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