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NATO territory attacked by Russian missile, two dead in Poland

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Global Desk: On Tuesday, a missile fell on the eastern part of Poland leading to the death of two people.

According to reports, Poland hinted at a Russian artillery strike on the nation as the missile was found to be Russian made.

The missile strike took place at the same time when Russia unleashed a very heavy attack on the major cities of Ukraine including Kyiv and during the side-lines of the G20 summit in Indonesia.

It is still not clear where the missile was fired from and if Russia is responsible behind this.

Notably, striking Poland which is also a member of NATO might invite the invocation of Article 4 and Article 5 of the NATO Treaty.

Article 4 allows the NATO members to consult together or hold emergency meeting when the territorial security or integrity of any of its members is threatened from an external force. Similarly, Article 5 considers any attack on one NATO country as an attack on the whole of NATO, leading to an united reaction.

The NATO member leaders including Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak have condemned the attack on the territory of Poland.

US President Joe Biden however also said that the missile was ‘unlikely’ fired by Russia, although it is being investigated.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak while speaking at the G20 summit also said that the UK steadfastly stands behind Poland.

Likewise, the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg tweeted that it is important to establish the facts in relation to the attack and NATO is closely monitoring the situation with close consultation from its allies.

Whether or not Russia deliberately attacked the missile on Poland is yet to be known. However, if has than NATO and its actual body language would be tested.

The very last time when the Article 5 of the NATO Treaty was invoked was after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Also Read: G20 Summit: World Leaders Condemn Russia, Zelenskyy Urges Allies For More Military Help

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