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“Stop the war in the name of god,” says the Pope

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Global Desk, 14 March, 2022: On Sunday, Pope Francis condemned the war situation in Ukraine. Sympathizing with the victims of the war, the Pope said that the armed attack on Ukraine is unacceptable. He also urged to end the war before the cities in Ukraine turns into ‘cemeteries.’

Referring to the carnage in a maternity hospital in Mariupol, he denounced the inhuman killing of the innocent children. He said that “The city that bears the name of the Virgin Mary, Mariupol, has become a city martyred by the ruinous war that is devastating Ukraine.”

“Before the barbarism of killing children and innocent and defenceless citizens, no strategic reasons hold: the only thing to be done is to cease the unacceptable armed aggression before cities are reduced to cemeteries,” he added.

Further, the Pope also asked the world community to welcome the refugees of Ukraine and asked the religious communities to pray for peace.

“God is only the God of peace, he is not the God of war, and those who support violence profane his name,” he said.

Also Read: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Impact On Economy

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