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Operation Ganga: PM Modi’s initiative to safely evacuate Indian students from Ukraine is encouraging

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Image Credit: Twitter post by @DrSJaishankar
Dayananda Pathak (Editor-in-Chief)

Editorial: About the inevitability of Russian invasion over Ukraine world nations are holding diverse opinions. But out of the 193 countries the large majority views are for Ukraine and a microscopic few are supportive of the Russian invasion. Yes, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] is considered to be the venomous pin that is seen to pester the normalcy of Russia for its own reasons. Ukraine is an independent sovereign country with its own issues. Its membership in NATO is found to be unpalatable for Russia. Over the years, Russia has also lost many of its wings for internal political issues beyond its control. As an Indian, we feel for our students pursuing different academic programs in Ukraine. Apart from that, there are many Indians, about 20,000, in different stratum of life. Their worries are our worries too. But the conflict has adversely affected their normal life. The students are the obvious victims. Some of them will have to seek other avenues to complete their academic programs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi`s stand in this regard is quite encouraging. He has taken positive steps for the safe evacuation of the Indian students. For that purpose he has sent some central Ministers to the neighbouring countries along Ukraine and Russia especially for rescuing the Indian students trapped in war-torn Ukraine. For that purpose he has had dialogues with Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, and with Zelensky, the president of Ukraine. He has been able to motivate the two leaders to help in the process of rescue of the Indian students. Special flights of Air India and Indigo have also come forward to fly back the students from advantageous locations.

The safe return of the Indian students is our first priority. The second priority is also equally important. We request Prime Minister Modi to make special provision for completion of the academic programs pursued by the students in India itself. We request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to help the evacuee students for the completion of their half-done academic programs here in India.

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